type Time
Time can be described in a number of ways. Read more
Numbers, which will be taken literally as the time (in seconds).
Notation, ("4n", "8t") describes time in BPM and time signature relative values.
TransportTime, ("4:3:2") will also provide tempo and time signature relative times in the form BARS:QUARTERS:SIXTEENTHS.
Frequency, ("8hz") is converted to the length of the cycle in seconds.
Now-Relative, ("+1") prefix any of the above with "+" and it will be interpreted as "the current time plus whatever expression follows".
Object, ({"4n" : 3, "8t" : -1}). The resulting time is equal to the sum of all of the keys multiplied by the values in the object.
No Argument, for methods which accept time, no argument will be interpreted as "now" (i.e. the currentTime).
Defined in: