Class BiquadFilter

Thin wrapper around the native Web Audio BiquadFilterNode. BiquadFilter is similar to Filter but doesn't have the option to set the "rolloff" value.

Hierarchy (view full)



Q: Param<"number">

The Q factor of the filter. For lowpass and highpass filters the Q value is interpreted to be in dB. For these filters the nominal range is [−𝑄𝑙𝑖𝑚,𝑄𝑙𝑖𝑚] where 𝑄𝑙𝑖𝑚 is the largest value for which 10𝑄/20 does not overflow. This is approximately 770.63678. For the bandpass, notch, allpass, and peaking filters, this value is a linear value. The value is related to the bandwidth of the filter and hence should be a positive value. The nominal range is [0,3.4028235𝑒38], the upper limit being the most-positive-single-float. This is not used for the lowshelf and highshelf filters.

context: BaseContext

The context belonging to the node.

debug: boolean = false

Set this debug flag to log all events that happen in this class.

detune: Param<"cents">

A detune value, in cents, for the frequency.

frequency: Param<"frequency">

The frequency of the filter

gain: Param<"decibels">

The gain of the filter. Its value is in dB units. The gain is only used for lowshelf, highshelf, and peaking filters.

input: BiquadFilterNode

The input node or nodes. If the object is a source, it does not have any input and this.input is undefined.

name: string = "BiquadFilter"

The name of the class

output: BiquadFilterNode

The output nodes. If the object is a sink, it does not have any output and this.output is undefined.

version: string = version

The version number semver


  • get blockTime(): number
  • The number of seconds of 1 processing block (128 samples)

    Returns number


  • get channelCount(): number
  • channelCount is the number of channels used when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is 2 except for specific nodes where its value is specially determined.

    Returns number

  • set channelCount(channelCount): void
  • Parameters

    • channelCount: number

    Returns void

  • get channelCountMode(): ChannelCountMode
  • channelCountMode determines how channels will be counted when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is "max". This attribute has no effect for nodes with no inputs.

    • "max" - computedNumberOfChannels is the maximum of the number of channels of all connections to an input. In this mode channelCount is ignored.
    • "clamped-max" - computedNumberOfChannels is determined as for "max" and then clamped to a maximum value of the given channelCount.
    • "explicit" - computedNumberOfChannels is the exact value as specified by the channelCount.

    Returns ChannelCountMode

  • set channelCountMode(channelCountMode): void
  • Parameters

    • channelCountMode: ChannelCountMode

    Returns void

  • get channelInterpretation(): ChannelInterpretation
  • channelInterpretation determines how individual channels will be treated when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is "speakers".

    Returns ChannelInterpretation

  • set channelInterpretation(channelInterpretation): void
  • Parameters

    • channelInterpretation: ChannelInterpretation

    Returns void

  • get disposed(): boolean
  • Indicates if the instance was disposed. 'Disposing' an instance means that all of the Web Audio nodes that were created for the instance are disconnected and freed for garbage collection.

    Returns boolean

  • get numberOfInputs(): number
  • The number of inputs feeding into the AudioNode. For source nodes, this will be 0.

    Returns number


    const node = new Tone.Gain();
  • get numberOfOutputs(): number
  • The number of outputs of the AudioNode.

    Returns number


    const node = new Tone.Gain();


  • Connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in series.


    Returns this


    const player = new Tone.Player("");
    player.autostart = true;
    const filter = new Tone.AutoFilter(4).start();
    const distortion = new Tone.Distortion(0.5);
    // connect the player to the filter, distortion and then to the master output
    player.chain(filter, distortion, Tone.Destination);
  • connect the output of a ToneAudioNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneAudioNode


    • destination: InputNode

      The output to connect to

    • outputNum: number = 0

      The output to connect from

    • inputNum: number = 0

      The input to connect to

    Returns this

  • connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in parallel.


    Returns this


    const player = new Tone.Player("");
    player.autostart = true;
    const pitchShift = new Tone.PitchShift(4).toDestination();
    const filter = new Tone.Filter("G5").toDestination();
    // connect a node to the pitch shift and filter in parallel, filter);
  • Get the frequency response curve. This curve represents how the filter responses to frequencies between 20hz-20khz.


    • len: number = 128

      The number of values to return

    Returns Float32Array

    The frequency response curve between 20-20kHz

  • Set multiple properties at once with an object.


    Returns this


    const filter = new Tone.Filter().toDestination();
    // set values using an object
    frequency: "C6",
    type: "highpass"
    const player = new Tone.Player("").connect(filter);
    player.autostart = true;
  • Convert the incoming time to seconds. This is calculated against the current TransportClass bpm


    Returns number


    const gain = new Tone.Gain();
    setInterval(() => console.log(gain.toSeconds("4n")), 100);
    // ramp the tempo to 60 bpm over 30 seconds
    Tone.getTransport().bpm.rampTo(60, 30);