Class Sequence<ValueType>

A sequence is an alternate notation of a part. Instead of passing in an array of [time, event] pairs, pass in an array of events which will be spaced at the given subdivision. Sub-arrays will subdivide that beat by the number of items are in the array. Sequence notation inspiration from Tidal Cycles


const synth = new Tone.Synth().toDestination();
const seq = new Tone.Sequence((time, note) => {
synth.triggerAttackRelease(note, 0.1, time);
// subdivisions are given as subarrays
}, ["C4", ["E4", "D4", "E4"], "G4", ["A4", "G4"]]).start(0);

Type Parameters

  • ValueType = any

Hierarchy (view full)



The callback to invoke.

context: BaseContext

The context belonging to the node.

debug: boolean = false

Set this debug flag to log all events that happen in this class.

mute: boolean

If mute is true, the callback won't be invoked.

name: string = "Sequence"
value: ValueType

The value which is passed to the callback function.

version: string = version

The version number semver


  • get blockTime(): number
  • The number of seconds of 1 processing block (128 samples)

    Returns number


  • get disposed(): boolean
  • Indicates if the instance was disposed. 'Disposing' an instance means that all of the Web Audio nodes that were created for the instance are disconnected and freed for garbage collection.

    Returns boolean

  • get humanize(): boolean | Unit.Time
  • If set to true, will apply small random variation to the callback time. If the value is given as a time, it will randomize by that amount.

    Returns boolean | Unit.Time


    const event = new Tone.ToneEvent();
    event.humanize = true;
  • set humanize(variation): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get loop(): number | boolean
  • If the note should loop or not between ToneEvent.loopStart and ToneEvent.loopEnd. If set to true, the event will loop indefinitely, if set to a number greater than 1 it will play a specific number of times, if set to false, 0 or 1, the part will only play once.

    Returns number | boolean

  • set loop(l): void
  • Parameters

    • l: number | boolean

    Returns void

  • get loopEnd(): number
  • The index at which the sequence should end looping

    Returns number

  • set loopEnd(index): void
  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void

  • get loopStart(): number
  • The index at which the sequence should start looping

    Returns number

  • set loopStart(index): void
  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void

  • get playbackRate(): number
  • The playback rate of the event. Defaults to 1.

    Returns number


    const note = new Tone.ToneEvent();
    note.loop = true;
    // repeat the note twice as fast
    note.playbackRate = 2;
  • set playbackRate(rate): void
  • Parameters

    • rate: number

    Returns void

  • get probability(): number
  • The probability of the notes being triggered.

    Returns number

  • set probability(prob): void
  • Parameters

    • prob: number

    Returns void

  • get progress(): number
  • The current progress of the loop interval. Returns 0 if the event is not started yet or it is not set to loop.

    Returns number

  • get startOffset(): number
  • The start from the scheduled start time.

    Returns number

  • set startOffset(start): void
  • Parameters

    • start: number

    Returns void

  • get subdivision(): number
  • The subdivision of the sequence. This can only be set in the constructor. The subdivision is the interval between successive steps.

    Returns number


  • Set multiple properties at once with an object.


    Returns this


    const filter = new Tone.Filter().toDestination();
    // set values using an object
    frequency: "C6",
    type: "highpass"
    const player = new Tone.Player("").connect(filter);
    player.autostart = true;
  • Start the part at the given time.


    • Optional time: Unit.Time

      When to start the part.

    • Optional offset: number

      The offset index to start at

    Returns this

  • Convert the incoming time to seconds. This is calculated against the current TransportClass bpm


    Returns number


    const gain = new Tone.Gain();
    setInterval(() => console.log(gain.toSeconds("4n")), 100);
    // ramp the tempo to 60 bpm over 30 seconds
    Tone.getTransport().bpm.rampTo(60, 30);
  • Convert the class to a string

    Returns string


    const osc = new Tone.Oscillator();