A sequence is an alternate notation of a part. Instead of passing in an array of [time, event] pairs, pass in an array of events which will be spaced at the given subdivision. Sub-arrays will subdivide that beat by the number of items are in the array. Sequence notation inspiration from Tidal
const synth = new Tone.Synth().toDestination();
const seq = new Tone.Sequence((time, note) => {
synth.triggerAttackRelease(note, 0.1, time);
// subdivisions are given as subarrays
}, ["C4", ["E4", "D4", "E4"], "G4", ["A4", "G4"]]).start(0);
The number of seconds of 1 processing block (128 samples)
The callback to invoke.
The context belonging to the node.
Set this debug flag to log all events that happen in this class.
Indicates if the instance was disposed. 'Disposing' an instance means that all of the Web Audio nodes that were created for the instance are disconnected and freed for garbage collection.
The index at which the sequence should end looping
The index at which the sequence should start looping
If mute is true, the callback won't be invoked.
The duration in seconds of one sample.
Returns the playback state of the note, either "started" or "stopped".
The subdivision of the sequence. This can only be set in the constructor. The subdivision is the interval between successive steps.
The value which is passed to the callback function.
The version number semver
Cancel all scheduled events greater than or equal to the given time
Get the object's attributes.
const osc = new Tone.Oscillator();
Returns all of the default options belonging to the class.
Return the current time of the Context clock without any lookAhead.
setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
Return the current time of the Context clock plus the lookAhead.
setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
Set multiple properties at once with an object.
const filter = new Tone.Filter();
// set values using an object
frequency: 300,
type: "highpass"
Start the part at the given time.
The offset index to start at
Convert the input to a frequency number
const gain = new Tone.Gain();
Convert the incoming time to seconds
const gain = new Tone.Gain();
Convert the class to a string
const osc = new Tone.Oscillator();
Convert the input time into ticks
const gain = new Tone.Gain();