↳ EXTENDS Tone.LoopTone.Pattern arpeggiates between the given notes in a number of patterns. See Tone.CtrlPattern for a full list of patterns.
new Tone.Pattern (The callback to invoke with the event.
The values to arpeggiate over.
var pattern = new Tone.Pattern(function(time, note){
//the order of the notes passed in depends on the pattern
}, ["C2", "D4", "E5", "A6"], "upDown");
↝ Time #The time between successive callbacks.
loop.interval = "8n"; //loop every 8n
↝ function #The callback to invoke with the next event in the pattern
↝ Time #The playback rate of the loop. The normal playback rate is 1 (no change). A playbackRate
of 2 would be twice as fast.
↝ NormalRange READONLY #The progress of the loop as a value between 0-1. 0, when the loop is stopped or done iterating.
↝ Boolean or Time #Random variation +/-0.01s to the scheduled time. Or give it a time value which it will randomize by.
↝ String READONLY #The state of the Loop, either started or stopped.
↝ Positive #The number of iterations of the loop. The default value is Infinity (loop forever).
.cancel ( )
#The time after which events will be cancel.
Cancel all scheduled events greater than or equal to the given time
.start ( )
#When to start the Loop.
Start the loop at the specified time along the Transport’s timeline.
.stop ( )
#When to stop the Arpeggio
Stop the loop at the given time.