↳ EXTENDS Tone.SourceTone.OmniOscillator aggregates Tone.Oscillator, Tone.PulseOscillator, Tone.PWMOscillator, Tone.FMOscillator, Tone.AMOscillator, and Tone.FatOscillator into one class. The oscillator class can be changed by setting the type
. omniOsc.type = "pwm"
will set it to the Tone.PWMOscillator. Prefixing any of the basic types (“sine”, “square4”, etc.) with “fm”, “am”, or “fat” will use the FMOscillator, AMOscillator or FatOscillator respectively. For example: omniOsc.type = "fatsawtooth"
will create set the oscillator to a FatOscillator of type “sawtooth”.
new Tone.OmniOscillator (DEFAULTS
var omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator("C#4", "pwm");
↝ NormalRange #The width of the oscillator (only if the oscillator is set to “pulse”)
var omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "pulse");
//can access the width attribute only if type === "pulse"
omniOsc.width.value = 0.2;
↝ Positive #Harmonicity is the frequency ratio between the carrier and the modulator oscillators. A harmonicity of 1 gives both oscillators the same frequency. Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave. See Tone.AMOscillator or Tone.FMOscillator for more info.
↝ Frequency #The modulationFrequency Signal of the oscillator (only if the oscillator type is set to pwm). See Tone.PWMOscillator for more info.
var omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "pwm");
//can access the modulationFrequency attribute only if type === "pwm"
omniOsc.modulationFrequency.value = 0.2;
↝ String #The type of the modulator oscillator. Only if the oscillator is set to “am” or “fm” types. see. Tone.AMOscillator or Tone.FMOscillator for more info.
↝ Number #The partial count of the oscillator. This is not available on “pwm” and “pulse” oscillator types.
//set the maximum number of partials
osc.partialCount = 0;
↝ Array #The partials of the waveform. A partial represents the amplitude at a harmonic. The first harmonic is the fundamental frequency, the second is the octave and so on following the harmonic series. Setting this value will automatically set the type to “custom”. The value is an empty array when the type is not “custom”. This is not available on “pwm” and “pulse” oscillator types.
osc.partials = [1, 0.2, 0.01];
↝ String #The source type of the oscillator.
var omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "fmsquare");
omniOsc.sourceType // 'fm'
↝ Cents #The detune spread between the oscillators. If “count” is set to 3 oscillators and the “spread” is set to 40, the three oscillators would be detuned like this: [-20, 0, 20] for a total detune spread of 40 cents. See Tone.FatOscillator for more info.
↝ String #The type of the oscillator. Can be any of the basic types: sine, square, triangle, sawtooth. Or prefix the basic types with “fm”, “am”, or “fat” to use the FMOscillator, AMOscillator or FatOscillator types. The oscillator could also be set to “pwm” or “pulse”. All of the parameters of the oscillator’s class are accessible when the oscillator is set to that type, but throws an error when it’s not.
omniOsc.type = "pwm";
//modulationFrequency is parameter which is available
//only when the type is "pwm".
omniOsc.modulationFrequency.value = 0.5;
//an square wave frequency modulated by a sawtooth
omniOsc.type = "fmsquare";
omniOsc.modulationType = "sawtooth";
↝ String #The base type of the oscillator.
var omniOsc = new Tone.OmniOscillator(440, "fmsquare4");
omniOsc.sourceType // 'fm'
omniOsc.baseType //'square'
omniOsc.partialCount //4
↝ Tone.Context READONLY #Get the audio context belonging to this instance.
↝ String READONLY #channelCountMode determines how channels will be counted when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is “max”. This attribute has no effect for nodes with no inputs.
↝ Number READONLY #The number of inputs feeding into the AudioNode. For source nodes, this will be 0.
↝ Number READONLY #The number of outputs coming out of the AudioNode.
↝ Number READONLY #channelCount is the number of channels used when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is 2 except for specific nodes where its value is specially determined.
↝ String READONLY #channelInterpretation determines how individual channels will be treated when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is “speakers”.
↝ Decibels #The volume of the output in decibels.
source.volume.value = -6;
↝ Tone.State READONLY #Returns the playback state of the source, either “started” or “stopped”.
↝ boolean #Mute the output.
//mute the output
source.mute = true;
.get ( )
#the parameters to get, otherwise will return all available.
Get the object’s attributes. Given no arguments get will return all available object properties and their corresponding values. Pass in a single attribute to retrieve or an array of attributes. The attribute strings can also include a “.” to access deeper properties.
.set ( )
#Set a member/attribute of the oscillator.
.chain ( )
Connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in series.
//connect a node to an effect, panVol and then to the master output
node.chain(effect, panVol, Tone.Master);
.connect ( )
#optionally which output to connect from
optionally which input to connect to
connect the output of a ToneNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneNode
.disconnect ( )
#Either the output index to disconnect if the output is an array, or the node to disconnect from.
disconnect the output
.fan ( )
connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in parallel.
.toMaster ( )
Connect ‘this’ to the master output. Shorthand for this.connect(Tone.Master)
//connect an oscillator to the master output
var osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toMaster();
.stop ( )
#When the source should be stopped.
Stop the source at the specified time. If no time is given, stop the source now.
source.stop(); // stops the source immediately
.sync ( )
Sync the source to the Transport so that all subsequent calls to start
and stop
are synced to the TransportTime instead of the AudioContext time.
//sync the source so that it plays between 0 and 0.3 on the Transport's timeline
//start the transport.
//start the transport with an offset and the sync'ed sources
//will start in the correct position
//the source will be invoked with an offset of 0.4
Tone.Transport.start("+0.5", 0.5);
.unsync ( )
Unsync the source to the Transport. See Tone.Source.sync
.start ( )
#When the source should be started.
Start the source at the specified time. If no time is given, start the source now.
source.start("+0.5"); //starts the source 0.5 seconds from now