↳ EXTENDS Tone.SignalTone.TransportTimelineSignal extends Tone.Signal, but adds the ability to synchronize the signal to the signal to the Tone.Transport
new Tone.TransportTimelineSignal ( )- numberOfOutputs
- channelInterpretation
- channelCount
- context
- channelCountMode
- numberOfInputs
- value
- convert
- units
- cancelAndHoldAtTime
- cancelScheduledValues
- dispose
- exponentialRampToValueAtTime
- getValueAtTime
- linearRampToValueAtTime
- setTargetAtTime
- setValueAtTime
- setValueCurveAtTime
- fan
- toMaster
- chain
- connect
- disconnect
- exponentialRampTo
- setRampPoint
- rampTo
- linearRampTo
- targetRampTo
- exponentialApproachValueAtTime
↝ Number READONLY #The number of outputs coming out of the AudioNode.
↝ String READONLY #channelInterpretation determines how individual channels will be treated when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is “speakers”.
↝ Number READONLY #channelCount is the number of channels used when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is 2 except for specific nodes where its value is specially determined.
↝ Tone.Context READONLY #Get the audio context belonging to this instance.
↝ String READONLY #channelCountMode determines how channels will be counted when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. The default value is “max”. This attribute has no effect for nodes with no inputs.
↝ Number READONLY #The number of inputs feeding into the AudioNode. For source nodes, this will be 0.
.cancelAndHoldAtTime ( )
This is similar to cancelScheduledValues except it holds the automated value at time until the next automated event.
.cancelScheduledValues ( )
Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or equal to startTime.
.exponentialRampToValueAtTime ( )
#The value to change to at the given time
The time to change the signal
Exponential ramp to the given value from the previous scheduled point to the given value
.getValueAtTime ( )
#The time in seconds.
The scheduled value at the given time.
Get the scheduled value at the given time. This will return the unconverted (raw) value.
.linearRampToValueAtTime ( )
#The value to change to at the given time
The time to change the signal
Linear ramp to the given value from the previous scheduled point to the given value
.setTargetAtTime ( )
Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time with a rate having the given time constant.
.setValueAtTime ( )
#The value to change to at the given time
The time to change the signal
Set the output of the signal at the given time
.setValueCurveAtTime ( )
#If the values in the curve should be scaled by some value
Set an array of arbitrary values starting at the given time for the given duration.
.fan ( )
connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in parallel.
.toMaster ( )
Connect ‘this’ to the master output. Shorthand for this.connect(Tone.Master)
//connect an oscillator to the master output
var osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toMaster();
.chain ( )
Connect the output of this node to the rest of the nodes in series.
//connect a node to an effect, panVol and then to the master output
node.chain(effect, panVol, Tone.Master);
.connect ( )
#optionally which output to connect from
optionally which input to connect to
connect the output of a ToneNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneNode
.disconnect ( )
#Either the output index to disconnect if the output is an array, or the node to disconnect from.
disconnect the output
.exponentialRampTo ( )
#The value to ramp to.
the time that it takes the value to ramp from it’s current value
When the ramp should start.
Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from the current time and current value to the given value over the duration of the rampTime.
//exponentially ramp to the value 2 over 4 seconds.
signal.exponentialRampTo(2, 4);
.setRampPoint ( )
#(Optionally) pass the now value in.
Creates a schedule point with the current value at the current time. This is useful for creating an automation anchor point in order to schedule changes from the current value.
.rampTo ( )
#The time that it takes the value to ramp from it’s current value
When the ramp should start.
Ramps to the given value over the duration of the rampTime. Automatically selects the best ramp type (exponential or linear) depending on the units
of the signal
//ramp to the value either linearly or exponentially
//depending on the "units" value of the signal
signal.rampTo(0, 10);
//schedule it to ramp starting at a specific time
signal.rampTo(0, 10, 5)
.linearRampTo ( )
#The value to ramp to.
the time that it takes the value to ramp from it’s current value
When the ramp should start.
Schedules an linear continuous change in parameter value from the current time and current value to the given value over the duration of the rampTime.
//linearly ramp to the value 4 over 3 seconds.
signal.linearRampTo(4, 3);
.targetRampTo ( )
#The value to ramp to.
the time that it takes the value to ramp from it’s current value
When the ramp should start.
Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time. Since it is an exponential approach it will continue approaching after the ramp duration. The rampTime is the time that it takes to reach over 99% of the way towards the value.
//exponentially ramp to the value 2 over 4 seconds.
signal.exponentialRampTo(2, 4);
.exponentialApproachValueAtTime ( )
#The value to ramp to.
When the ramp should start.
the time that it takes the value to ramp from it’s current value
Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time. Since it is an exponential approach it will continue approaching after the ramp duration. The rampTime is the time that it takes to reach over 99% of the way towards the value. This methods is similar to setTargetAtTime except the third argument is a time instead of a ‘timeConstant’
//exponentially ramp to the value 2 over 4 seconds.
signal.exponentialRampTo(2, 4);