↳ EXTENDS Tone.AudioNodeWrapper around the native BufferSourceNode.
new Tone.BufferSource (The buffer to play
The callback to invoke when the buffer is done playing.
↝ Tone.State READONLY #Returns the playback state of the source, either “started” or “stopped”.
↝ Tone.Context READONLY #Get the audio context belonging to this instance.
.start ( )
#When the player should start.
The offset from the beginning of the sample to start at.
How long the sample should play. If no duration is given, it will default to the full length of the sample (minus any offset)
The gain to play the buffer back at.
The optional fadeIn ramp time.
Start the buffer
.stop ( )
#The time the buffer should stop.
How long the gain should fade out for
Stop the buffer. Optionally add a ramp time to fade the buffer out.
.connect ( )
#optionally which output to connect from
optionally which input to connect to
connect the output of a ToneNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneNode
.disconnect ( )
#Either the output index to disconnect if the output is an array, or the node to disconnect from.
disconnect the output
.toMaster ( )
Connect ‘this’ to the master output. Shorthand for this.connect(Tone.Master)