↳ EXTENDS ToneTone.Event abstracts away Tone.Transport.schedule and provides a schedulable callback for a single or repeatable events along the timeline.
new Tone.Event (The callback to invoke at the time.
The value or values which should be passed to the callback function on invocation.
var chord = new Tone.Event(function(time, chord){
//the chord as well as the exact time of the event
//are passed in as arguments to the callback function
}, ["D4", "E4", "F4"]);
//start the chord at the beginning of the transport timeline
//loop it every measure for 8 measures
chord.loop = 8;
chord.loopEnd = "1m";
↝ String READONLY #Returns the playback state of the note, either “started” or “stopped”.
↝ Boolean or Positive #If the note should loop or not between Tone.Event.loopStart and Tone.Event.loopEnd. An integer value corresponds to the number of loops the Event does after it starts.
↝ TransportTime #The loopEnd point is the time the event will loop if Tone.Event.loop is true.
↝ Positive #The playback rate of the note. Defaults to 1.
note.loop = true;
//repeat the note twice as fast
note.playbackRate = 2;
↝ NormalRange READONLY #The current progress of the loop interval. Returns 0 if the event is not started yet or it is not set to loop.
.cancel ( )
#The time after which events will be cancel.
Cancel all scheduled events greater than or equal to the given time
.start ( )
#When the note should start.
Start the note at the given time.
.stop ( )
#When the note should stop.
Stop the Event at the given time.